waves hitting rocks

Water and Marine Resources

Water is our most important resource and at the same time a habitat for a vast plant and animal life. Therefore, it is important to protect water and marine resources from climate change and human influence, as such impact can be significant if we are not aware the condition and effect our consumption and emissions cause on water bodies.

Groundwater, freshwater and marine water bodies are affected by human activity. This is related to both the amount of water we consume and the quality of the water we discharge, as well as to how we handle groundwater, stormwater, and watercourses when interventions are made in an area. Controlling discharges and being aware of their consequences is important to protect the water resources. Climate change and possible subsequent changes in land use might also increase the risk of floods and erosion, runoff, and change in water balance in our water bodies. Norconsult has extensive experience in hydrological and hydrogeological analysis, mapping of water bodies, as well as design of mitigating measures to protect water and marine resources. This way, we ensure that the water resources maintain or improve their ecological and chemical status, and that damages resulting from floods and stormwater are reduced or avoided. 

Protection of water and marine resources is one of EU's defined environmental goals in the taxonomy. Norconsult assists clients in defining measures required to comply with the screening criteria of the taxonomy, such as conducting impact assessments, environmental risk analyses, and environmental monitoring. 

  • Ingvild Helland

    Advisor Industry and Pollution

  • Leif Simonsen

    Advisor Freshwater

  • Bente Breyholtz

    Advisor Marine

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