Person in white coat with flashlight reading a small screen

Limiting Pollution

At Norconsult, we actively strive to minimize all forms of pollution in our projects. We emphasize interdisciplinary collaboration to find good sustainable solutions.

We prioritize ongoing expertise development to provide our clients with value-adding advice and solution proposals that are informed by the latest professional advancements in sustainability.  

Our experts collaborate across disciplines and markets to minimize pollution in all project phases through effective solution implementation. We use cutting-edge technology to mitigate climate emissions in sectors such as transportation, industry, municipalities, power production, aquaculture, land use planning, and residential/ commercial development, resulting in reduced environmental impact in our projects. 

Common pollution themes are noise, air, water, and soil. Through accurate calculations and strategic decision-making, we aim to reduce both pollution and climate emissions. We employ the best available techniques (BAT) and assist in preparing emission applications for authorities to ensure compliance with regulations and standards.

  • Stine Torstensen


  • Ingvild Helland

    Group Leader Contaminated Soil

  • Bente Breyholtz

    Group Leader Marine Environment

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